Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Friend Ship or Friendship....? They're just the same =D

There was once a day... Some people gathered and consulted, then they tried to build a ship... They tried for a long time... You know why? Because not all of them were equally smart and strong, there were the lazy, the careless, the spoiled, the selfish, the clever, the wise, the weak, and the fool one... And then finally the ship building has been done... The ship was intended to sail across the continent... Because they wanted a better life...
The voyage was smooth for the first and second day... But then in the third day, they quarrelled about something... Some of them fought and scrambled for whom would be the captain... They wanted to be the "Luffy"... They didn't desire for just being a "mariner"... And after the quarrel ended, obviously the careless was the one who became the captain, just because he was "STRONGER"... You can imagine it urself... How was it if a careless person became a captain of a ship? And then they lost their way... They crossed a mermaid island... And so they met a woman who was just a masquerading mermaid... The fool and lazy scrambled, again... But the strong and careless kicked their asses...
And the spoiled one kept complaining along the cruise... He said that he was drunk and loaded, tired and sleepy, besides, everyone had the same difficult role and duty... While the smart one was getting confused when he saw his friends, who didn't show their attemps to reach the new continent faster... And then he got mad... He scolded all his friends... And with his high language, he expressed all his disappointments toward them... "Fools! It was better this voyage wasn't held at the beginning if your guys' intention were just like this...!" And the wise one could only listen and stared at them,. While hoping that some day they would realize and wise up...
Then disaster came... A big storm hit them at dawn... The selfish kept hiding inside his room... And the strong got scared, his guts shrunk when he saw that big storm... The smart one couldn't do anything... The lazy one could only stare at the sky which was getting darker and darker... And the weak one was getting more powerless... The spoiled one cried at the moment like that... But then the fool told them to pray...(look, even a foolish can pray to God)
And then the wise one smiled, and said... "We are supposed to pray, but with no fight, it's useless..." And suddenly they fell silent, and something crossed their mind... Say it like this... "We are friends... And now we are mariners... No one is captain... Coz everyone is the same..." They regretted the things happened recently... And this realization made them on-fire and trusted each other again... Just like the first time when this voyage began... And they knew that storm would pass definitely... There was no one who were scared and sitting down do nothing anymore... Everyone fought with all their might... While hoping in their heart, that the storm would end immediately...
And finally, the sky calmed down and they fell to the floor, pretty exhausted, but very satisfied... Because they have done their very best, for their ship, for their future... And the voyage continued in a better way and a greater teamwork...  And that's the end of the story...
This is not a fairytale nor your sleep escorting story, it's about ur life... How many of us who had no friend at the beginning of our school in kindergarten? Most of all, isn't it? And then we met each other, played each other, and then fight each other... It works the same when we build a ship, it's not easy, because we didn't have all similar character, but we had a same vision... And so our colourful friendship, not just for having fun, we past joy and sorrow together... There are those boys who will scramble just for one girl and screw their own friendship, just like the mermaid thing in the story... Sometime there's a pedantic one, a selfish one, the coward one, but that's the way we are... Complementary for each other... And keep this in mind, however is your appearance and intelligence, we are just the same before Him... Every overcame problem makes our relationship stronger and stronger, and no matter how big is the storm, as long as we are together, we can pass it... And our friendship will be closer and stronger than before... For us to welcome the bright future that God has created, together... And that's what I call...FRIENDSHIP... Tq... Godbless...=D

Suatu hari... Beberapa orang berkumpul menjadi satu, mereka berunding, dan lalu nyoba buat bikin sebuah kapal... Cukup lama mereka brjuang... Tw kenapa jadi lama? Karena ga semuanya sama pintar dan kuat, ada yg pemalas, ada yg ceroboh, ada yg manja, ada yg egois, ada yg pintar, ada yg bijak, ada yg lemah, dan ada yg bego,.
Tp pada akhirnya ni kapal kelar juga... Nih kapal pengen dibawa berlayar sampe ke benua seberang,. Karena mereka ga pengen hidupnya begitu-begitu aja,. 
Pelayaran cukup lancar di hari pertama dan kedua... Tapi pada hari ketiga, mereka mulai berdebat akan sesuatu... Beberapa dari mereka berebut dan permasalahin siapa yg jadi kapten... Mereka mw jadi "Luffy".... Ga mw jadi sekedar seorang "mariner",.(marinir, korp angkatan laut)
Dan setelah terjadi perkelahian, ternyata si ceroboh-lah yg jadi kapten, hanya karena dia LEBIH KUAT... Kebayang kan? Gmana kalo seseorang yg ceroboh jadi kapten sebuah kapal? Akhirnya mereka kesasar.......... Lewatin sebuah pulau mermaid (putri duyung)...... Ketemu ma cewe yang sebenernya cuma mermaid yang menyamar... Si bego ma si malas berebut.... Tp si kuat hajar mereka berdua...
Si manja terus-terusan mengeluh sepanjang pelayaran.... Mabuk lah, capek lah, ngantuk lah, padahal semua punya role dan kewajiban yg sama beratnya,. Sedangkan si pintar bingung liat temen-temennya, yg makin hari makin nunjukin kalau mereka ga ada usaha bwt bisa sampe benua seberang lebih cepat,. Dan kemudian dia marah-marah... Maki-maki smw temennya,. Dengan bahasanya yg tinggi, dia ungkapin kekecewaannya sama mereka,. "Dasar ga punya otak, lebih baik dari awal pelayaran ini ga diada'in kalo niat lo pada cuma sebatas ini,." Si bijak cuma bisa merhatiin dan mandangin wajah mereka satu per satu.... Sambil berharap suatu saat mereka bisa sadar dan mengerti...
Malapetaka datang... Badai besar melanda pas subuh hari...
Si egois terus sembunyi di dalam,. Si kuat malah ketakutan, nyalinya ciut liat badai yg besar gitu,. Si pintar bingung harus berbuat apa,. Si malas cuma bisa mandangin langit yg makin lama makin hitam... Si lemah makin tak berdaya... Si manja malah nangis di saat genting kyk gitu,. Si bego nyuruh mereka buat berdoa...(jgn salah, orang bego jg bisa doa)
Dan si bijak tersenyum, lalu berkata... "Kita emank harus berdoa, tapi tanpa usaha, semuanya bakal sia-sia",.
Sesaat semuanya terdiam, dan ada sesuatu yg melintas di pikiran... Say it like this... "We are friends... And now we are mariners... No one is captain... Coz everyone is the same..."
Mereka nyesalin apa yg udah terjadi di hari-hari lalu... Tp kesadaran bikin mereka jadi semangat dan percaya lagi satu sama lain... Seperti saat semuanya ini baru dimulai.... Dan mereka tw, kalo badai pasti berlalu... Ga ada satupun dari mereka yg takut atau pun duduk diam... Semua berjuang menahan kendali supaya kapal ga tumbang... Mereka berusaha sekuat tenaga, sepenuh jiwa dan raga... Sambil berdoa nih badai cepet berlalu...
Dan akhirnya, badai reda dan semua terkulai lemas, namun merasa puas... Mereka sudah ngelakuin yang terbaik, buat kapal mereka, buat masa depan mereka... Dan pelayaran mereka dilanjutin dengan cara dan kekompakan yang lebih baik lagi... Dan itulah akhir ceritanya...
Cerita ini bukan dongeng atau cerita pengiring tidur kalian, tp ini tentang hidup kalian... Berapa banyak dr kita yang waktu pertama sekolah di TK, blm punya temen? Hampir semua kan? Dan kemudian kita bertemu satu sama lain, bermain satu sama lain, dan bertengkar satu sama lain... Sama halnya kita membangun sebuah kapal, ga gampang, karena ga semua sifat kita sama, tp kita punya visi yang sama... Persahabatan kita semua penuh warna, ga cuma yang seneng-seneng aja, suka maupun duka kita lewatin sama-sama,. Ada jg sekelompok cowo yang rebutan satu orang cewe, sampe-sampe persahabatan mereka jadi runyam, sama halnya kyk mermaid tadi... Terkadang ada yang sok pintar, ada yang egois, ada yang penakut, tp itulah kita, saling melengkapi satu sama lain... Dan ingat, gimana pun rupa dan kecerdasan kita, kita semua sama di mata-Nya... Setiap permasalahan bikin hubungan kita lebih kuat, dan ga peduli sebesar apa badai yang melanda, asalkan kita tetep sama-sama, kita pasti bisa,. Dan niscaya persahabatan kita bakal lebih erat lagi... Buat kita bisa sama-sama menyongsong masa depan cerah yang udah dirancangin Tuhan di depan sana... Dan itulah yang kusebut, persahabatan... Tq... Godbless...=D

1 komentar:

  1. Yong, tolong komputer DB yang akan dikarantinakan diperhatikan, ok
